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Thank You For Your Support with the

Autumn Litter Pick!

The Mayford Village Society, formed in 1990, exists for the collective benefit of Mayford. It provides the means to identify and express the views of residents of the Village. Its main priority is the protection of Mayford´s Green Belt and open spaces.

We have over 400  member households representing more than 700 Mayford residents. Membership is open to adults who live in or adjacent to Mayford, on the basis of a single fee, currently £10 per household, renewable annually. Our Annual General Meeting is held in March each year in the Mayford Village Hall, Saunders Lane, Mayford when updates are presented to members and there is an opportunity to raise issues with the Society. Minutes of the AGM are sent out to members by e-mail or paper mail.
In addition to the protection of the Green Belt, the Society deals with the widest range of problems for Village residents. Go to our Services we Provide page for more details.
Our Committee members have excellent relationships with our Borough and County Councillors as well as the Senior Executive and Officers of Woking Borough Council and Surrey Police.

Thank You For Your Support with the 

Autumn Litter Pick!

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