Est 1990

Woking councillors voted through the site allocation policy on Thursday 18th October 2018 at the full council meeting and are seeking to make the following changes to planning policy locally. Please SEE HERE
This policy is to meet housing need in the borough between 2022 and 2040.
The Mayford Village Society does not support the release of green belt anywhere in Mayford or in the UK for that fact and will stand firmly against it.
It is vital that every Mayford resident respond to the council by
5pm on 17th December 2018
to protect our greenbelt!
The Village Society are very concerned about the loss of the greenbelt on the Egley road (GB7) which plays a critical part in preventing the urban sprawl of Woking swallowing up the historic, rural village of Mayford.
Please write in and express the importance of this vital green gap between Woking and Mayford and the Survival of the Woods and habitats on GB7
Any further development on this site will have a major impact for Mayford
and the Egley Road
Please email
planning.policy@woking.gov.uk with your concerns
Subject: DPD Regulation 19 (GB7)