Est 1990
Policy GB9: (Safeguarded site) Land to the north east of Saunders Lane, between Saunders Lane and Hook Hill Lane, Mayford, GU22 0NN
Policy GB9: (Safeguarded site) Land to the north east of Saunders Lane, between Saunders Lane and Hook Hill Lane, Mayford, GU22 0NN
This 7.82 ha site is safeguarded to meet the long term development needs of the Borough between 2027 and 2040, in accordance with Policy SA1.
The key requirements for developing the site will be set out as part of the review of the Core Strategy and or the Site Allocations DPD to be informed by up to date evidence at the time. Sufficient land has been released to deliver the Core Strategy. In this regard, this site will only be released for development as part of the review of the Core Strategy and or the Site Allocations DPD.
Reasoned justification: This existing Green Belt site is in agricultural use, but is not classified as being amongst the best and most versatile agricultural land (classified Grade 4, poor). There are only slight variations in ground level across the site; the rising ground of the escarpment, begins in the north-west of the site, the remainder of the site is relatively flat.
The east boundary adjoins the rail route (including rail bridge) whilst the northern boundary abuts existing residential development. Roads, cycle or footpath routes bound the site on three sides.
Situated on the southern edge of the urban area, this site is largely contained by existing development and transport routes. This position is on the lower slopes of the escarpment of rising land, rendering it relatively discrete in landscape terms and could be developed without compromising the integrity of the escarpment.
The Green Belt boundary review (GBBR) recommends the site as an opportunity to deliver new homes in accordance with Core Strategy Policies CS6, CS10 and CS12, without adverse impact upon the purposes of the Green Belt. The recommended new Green Belt boundary would follow Saunders Lane, forming a strong defensible Green Belt boundary.
Estimated capacity of the site will be determined as part of the review of the Core Strategy and or the Site Allocations DPD.
Key evidence base to justify safeguarding of the site:
(This site has previously been referred to as land to the west of Saunders Lane).
Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance Strategy.
Strategic Transport Assessment;
Habitat Regulations Assessment;
Sustainability appraisal;
County Highway Authority transport review of Woking Green Belt sites (officer comments, October 2014);
Technical studies supplied on behalf of the stakeholder, received January 2014: Green Belt
assessment (by CSa Environmental Planning), accessibility and transport assessment (iTransport, June 2011), ecology survey work (CSa Environmental Planning). Further ecological surveys were carried out in 2014;
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAAHEA018);
Green Belt Boundary Review (Parcel 20 - WGB020c);